Meeting Your Children's Needs

     As a parent you need to understand that your children have many needs. And if those needs aren't met it will often cause the child to decelerate in his or her progression. In todays society children are often overlooked and left fending for themselves. It takes a parent to be not only loving, a good example, and financially stable. But most importantly a parent must be aware!

    When a parent is aware of their children's actions it will help the parent to be able to properly care for each child. If you have ever been around a child you have surely noticed that they are all over the place and always getting into mischief. It is almost impossible to prevent a child from making mistakes. But with proper nurturing you can help them to be able to steer clear of many common errors. Meeting the needs of each individual child leads to a healthier family environment and more advances children. Common ways that we can meet the needs of our children are through listening to them when they are struggling and instead of criticizing we can talk about our past experiences in a loving manner. You might wonder if it possible to fully meet the needs of your child. And although you will never perfectly meet each need you can succeed in meeting the needs to a sufficient manner. 

    You need to understand that in this life we will never obtain perfection. Whether it is in sports, school, or parenting we will constantly have to strive to be better. But just as we are imperfect we need to understand that our children will also be imperfect. This will allow us to be more understanding of each mistake that our children make. It will also help us to better meet their needs in nurturing and educating them. From each mistake we will be able to properly teach them how to turn the bad into good. And help them to grow more and more each day. Many people associate a children's needs with money and the financial end of things. Yet it is so much more complicated than that. Someone can have all the money in the world yet still fail to properly meet the needs of their children. 

    I had a friend when I was younger that always felt alone and like he was against the world at all times. This type of attitude towards life came from his parents failure to meet his needs. He needed more support at home, more attention to his problems, and most of all more love from his parents. Those simple needs could have changed the way his life turned out. Although they may seem small and simple they are life altering in many ways. I often think to myself "if only his parents had given him the time of day and truly listened to him, if only they had tried to understand him." I know that if that had been the case he would have turned out to be someone totally different in a positive way. My whole life my parents succeeded at meeting my needs especially when I thought they weren't. At times less of something is better than more. This means that even though a child might want more candy the parent restricting that action is actually meeting the health needs of that child. Even though the child will tell you otherwise.   

    In conclusion, if each and everyone of us takes time out of our day to put our child first we will see exponential growth not only in our children and their progression, but also in ourselves and our progression. Each one of us is capable of meeting the needs of each of our children. But it wont be each and nothing worth doing is easy, so stay strong and persistent to your ways and I promise it will all turn out for the best. 


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