Benefits of an Intact Family

     In the past two weeks I have begun a a new journey in my life. I have been studying all about families and trying to obtain more knowledge on what is a healthy family and how I can create a healthy family. Throughout this journey I have already gained so much helpful and interesting knowledge that has really caught my attention and given me the desire to share a small piece of what I have learned with others.

By reading the title you might have had the question come to your mind, "what is an intact family?" An intact family is a family in which both the mother and father are living together at a home. Now the reason I bring that up is because I have recently learned that children raised in the house of an intact family are more likely to turn out better off than children raised in other types of households. Other types of house holds include Lesbian and gay couples, single parents, and parent and step parent run homes. Now you might have grown up in a family that is not classified as an intact family. And you might be thinking to yourself, "This guy is full of it! My parents were gay and I turned out fine!" Well Im sure you are fine and I’m not trying to say you aren't. However, I will say that statistics show that someone who was raised in an intact family has more of a chance of turning out fine than others that were raised in a situation more like that of which you may or may not have come from. Now one thing that should be understood is that just because kids from an intact family are more likely to turn out better than other kids does not mean that a kid with lesbian parents can't turn out just as good if not better. You see one thing I learned is that all studies and results have exceptions. What I mean by this is that an outcome of a survey and experiment is almost never 100%.  Meaning that the majority of the results say that children from intact families are better off than those from other types of families. But it is not saying "ALL children from intact families are better off than those from other types of families." You see when trying to learn more about something as sensitive as this topic it is important that we pay attention to details and don't jump to conclusions. It is also important that we try and keep our emotions out of it and replace those feelings of sensitivity with logic. It is important to understand that research is key to society and our progression as human beings. after all... what we all want is for the best possible future, not only for us and our spouse, but also for our kids or future kids. Children from intact families have been studied and proven more likely to have a higher education, a lower divorce rate with their spouse, less felonies and other types of situations. This important and interesting information has been collected and proven through studies that have asked children from all types of families, social statuses, and races in order to insure a diverse and accurate overall conclusion. Another important thing to understand when researching topics on family or studying a topic that relates to you is the quality of thew study or experiment that you are studying. For example, If I was wanting to know wether or not children from intact families are better off. I would need to question and study not only children from intact families, but children from the complete polar opposite with a family that doesn't meet the standards of an intact family. This allows me to compare both outcomes and truly study the details from both sides giving me all of the information needed to make an accurate and well supported conclusion. 

I hope that this blog has helped you to not only see the importance of an intact family. But to also help you to better understand and analyze the information and studies that you may find in the future. I want each one of us to be able to discern good and accurate info from bad and bias info. I hope this post has taught you something new and that I was able to help expand your knowledge on families and how to discern info and take in knowledge. Until next time.

Sincerely: Caleb


  1. Thank you so much for your thoughts! We need more voices like yours speaking truth


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