
     Dating is a very important and necessary action for all single individuals. But improperly dating someone can be detrimental to one's relationship and life. It is very important that we properly date and don't abuse dating privileges. Today I will talk about ways that we can properly date and improperly date.

    One major way that people can improperly date is by not respecting the other person in the relationship. If one is disrespecting their girlfriend/boyfriend often times the relationship will crumble. Not only will the opposite person in the relationship feel horrible, but it can permanently damage them and their self-confidence. Respecting one another can help build bonds that you never thought existed. It can also help build a foundation of trust that will help each participant in the relationship feel comfortable expressing their feelings, concerns, and thoughts. Without respect, the opposite individual will often feel unheard, unloved, and invincible. 

    Another way that you can improperly date is by lack of compromise. Compromise is key in a relationship and can really bring two people together. Without compromise it becomes very difficult to overcome obstacles and make decisions. This often results in relationship that doesn’t move forward or progress. Without progression a relationship will become stagnant, and when individuals become stagnant in a relationship it rapidly destroys how the relationship functions and the happiness within the couple. Compromise is often one of the most overlooked and lacked value in relationships. Lack of compromise is so detrimental to people because they form bad habits and later on it puts a damper on that individual's future relationships. 

     The main thing that most people don't understand about dating is that is that every date is preparation for a future marriage. Each key value that is learnt in a dating relationship can completely make or break a marriage. Without dating each individual would be stuck having to completely learn everything starting from scratch. This would cause a relationship to crumble because it is too hard to learn and apply everything at once. Marriage can be overwhelming and without proper dating experience it can be very difficult to have a healthy and long-term marriage. 

    One good way to practice in a relationship is always listening to one another. Often times it is very easy to ignore someone and not listen. This is a form of being inconsiderate and will badly hurt your relationship. When you sit and listen in a manner of being intrigued and caring, you will come to find that it will make the other so happy. Just the fact that you are truly caring about what the other has to say, or how their day went, or what is troubling them will make you two so much happier. Everyone knows that at times you just need someone to talk to and you need them to listen. Well that's what couples are for, your significant other is there to listen to you rant about the bad things going on, as well as all the good! 

    Throughout life most of us will experience many dates. Some good, and some bad, but one thing is for sure. Each good and bad date can help you to become a better man or woman. It can help you to prepare yourself for a future spouse and family. Your future relationship between your husband or wife will reflect positively or negatively on your family and have a huge impact on your kids. If you look for the good and bad in each date you will be able to find not only what you like and dislike in each person. But also, what you need to change and work on, or what you’re doing good at. I believe that while dating all sexual and intimate things shouldn't be explored. What should be explored are the different personalities, the ways to treat one another, and the back ground and future goals that the other person has. Then you should align them with your past and future goals seeing if they are what you are looking for in a forever companion.




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