
     Communication in a family is such an essential and important thing. Families revolve around trust and communication which go hand and hand. It is really important that communication between husband and wife, parents and children, and siblings is present at all times.

    It all starts with communication between husband and wife. The husband and wife, or father and mother are the foundation of every family. They should be seen as the nucleus of a family and should always be on the same page. Opportunities for communication between the two are very common, each day there will be chances for a pair to communicate. Whether it be something as big as a fight or argument, life changing decision, or job opportunity, or as little and simple as what they will have for dinner, or when to go to the grocery store. All communication is necessary and good, and all communication helps build a healthy relationship. Lack of communication between husband and wife can lead to lack of trust, frequent fighting, frustration, feeling excluded from one another's life, and tons of confusion. It can also cause distress for the children, anxiety, and or depression from never feeling a part of the family.

    Aside from communication between the heads of the household it is also very necessary for parents to communicate to their children. Examples of this kind of communication could be information about a new job, moving school districts, lack of money to do fun activities, or even what will be for dinner. Children in a family are always watching and listening to their parents. They see them fight, they see them kiss, they see everything. However, if the parents never go out of their way to communicate and love their children individually, the children will start to feel left out. It is important to realize that just because your child is in the room when a decision is being made does not mean that the child is a part of the decision-making process or communication. He or she will often feel like someone who is 3rd wheeling in a relationship. When in reality a family is supposed to be one big unit where all are included. Children are often very sensitive but great at hiding it, even though they are feeling hurt they will often keep it to themselves and not feel comfortable sharing how they feel. Parents need to be very careful not to ever make their children feel like they are outcast, this will often lead to a deep depression and horrible communicating skills for that child's future. 

    The final key place for communication in a family occurs between siblings. Now if anyone reading this blog has siblings, then they have for sure fought with those siblings! Common but unhealthy communication between siblings often looks like, "I hate you!", "You smell like poop!", "Mom and Dad don't even love you!". These are things that siblings often yell across the room before slamming the door and shutting themselves off from all chances of communication. Although it might seem funny or normal this behavior really isn't good for a family. Instead of this, parents should try and teach their children to sit down and discuss their feelings. If within a family the siblings can properly communicate and talk about their feelings and concerns, then those children will not only have a healthier relationship together, however they will also have a better relationship with their future families. Most children will not want to sit down and talk about their feelings with their siblings. And it will be more difficult than just slamming the door and throwing things. But it will change the family in so many ways and help the family become stronger and more unbreakable in ways that we can't even imagine.

    Communication is hard and easily looked past or gone without. Most families that fail or are currently failing are lacking one main thing... Communication! Whatever role you play in your family I challenge you to take what you've learned and apply it. Go and communicate to all those in family and see how much it will do for you, your future, and current family and life.


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