Depression and Anxiety in a family

     Depression and anxiety are often very common in families around the world. Learning what can cause those two problems and how to handle them could someday possibly save your family or someone else's family. Today I will talk about a few of the many ways that we can recognize when anxiety or depression are present in a family, and then help it to get better. 

    Depression can occur with any member of a family. However, it is more common with the wife or mother of a family. This can often occur from the wife feeling overwhelmed as a mother, hormonal imbalance, and maybe lack of purpose. Fathers can fall into depression from feeling like they are failing in life, lost job, or failure to provide for wife and children. Children feel depression from things like parents fighting, lack of self-worth, and maybe lack of attention. It is important to keep in mind however that some people are more susceptible to depression than others. But one thing is for sure, and that is if a child is raised in harsh conditions with a depressed family that is always negative. Then the members of that family will be depressed. There have been studies that show when someone is surrounded by negative and sad people, it almost always rubs off. Anxiety often occurs in the same scenarios, but usually is associated with high stress situations. Both of these can cause members of the family to become distant, short tempered, or disobedient. 

    Depression and or anxiety in a family can be very taxing on those who aren't experiencing the problems. However, even as it gets stressful or annoying the manner in which they act. It is crucial that the family treats them with much love and care understanding how delicate the situation truly is. If you have never experienced first-hand depression or anxiety you will realize that it is almost impossible to understand what they are feeling. Don't try and tell them how you have been sad before, instead love them unconditionally and listen to their needs and feelings. There is no better remedy than love, and helping one to feel like they always have someone there by their side. Another way of helping those people in your family is keeping a positive attitude. Negativity spreads like wildfire and can be detrimental to someone that is submerged in the negative culture. It is important for parents to talk about family struggles behind closed doors. Not all problems are meant for the children to hear about, and at that age it's often better for the children not to know. Children will stress and stress over a problem, after all they are problem solvers. But a problem too big will just bring anxiety and depression instead of happiness. And lastly, if ever finding yourself in a place of sadness, depression, and or anxiety. Seek help! Whether you need to talk to your family or reach out to a professional. It is important that you don't feel alone, or try and seclude yourself. Depression and anxiety are both very treatable problems and can be cured. All that is required is effort and being open about your problems. 

    Depression and anxiety often very difficult challenges in any scenario. But without the proper tools and resources it can be very difficult to overcome. I want all people to know that you are never alone, and there are people around you at all times willing to help. But they can't help you unless you let them into your life. No obstacle is too big to overcome it just takes hard work and dedication. So stay strong, and trust that those around you will always have your back.


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